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Anime Convention Video is a channel that was created by a dedicated group of cosplayers, photographers, journalists and all around fans with the aim of keeping the masses in the know regarding various conventions. The hardworking members of the channel provide many services to the convention community, including announcing guests, interviews with guests and staff members and reviews of the convention. They also announce other aspects of the conventions, such as hotel information, sign up and registration dates, panels of interest, competitions, contests and other opportunities and interests for con goers. These are posted in videos to YouTube and updates and albums on Facebook.

Anime Convention Video also extensively covers convention cosplay. Many members of the group are cosplayers themselves, and give a great, insider’s view. The dedicated cosplayers and photographers of the channel endeavor to exhibit a wide gambit of cosplayers, as they understand the joy and work that goes into the craft, which is an incredible way for people to express themselves and their fandoms.

The members of the channel love interacting with their followers and views. In addition to seeing them at conventions, they encourage their audience to post and message them as their Facebook page and Youtube channel are checked daily. They greatly enjoy input that they can receive, just as much as they love seeing and interacting with people at conventions.

Anime Convention Video is comprised of VongolaRainWolf, Externall, Lizzard+God (who also goes as Liz or Lizzard), Cupcake Manic, Amaya Mori and WonderLlama.

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